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Ayse Burcin Baskurt
Ayse Burcin Baskurt
Senior lecturer, University of East London
Ayse Burcin‘s professional bio / interests
Dr Ayse Burcin Baskurt is a chartered psychologist and senior lecturer in the Department of Professional Psychology at the University of East London (UEL). Having a background in Sociology and Comparative Studies in History and Society in her undergraduate and graduate studies, she completed her PhD degree in Social and Organisational Psychology at Koc University, Turkey. Her doctorate research concentrated on career change intentions of Millennial professionals. She also recently completed a MSc degree in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology (MAPPCP) at UEL. Her main research, teaching and practice focus on the interrelations between gender, work, family and education, using the lenses of gender, culture and Positive Psychology. She has published research on work-family interface, career calling, wellbeing and leadership. She is currently a module leader in the MAPPCP programme, teaching Final Project module and supervising MSc and PhD dissertations. She is also delivering a psychoeducational support module in the Sparks Leadership Programme for university students in Turkey.
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16 April, 2024