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Joanne Merecido
Joanne Merecido
Group Business Development Manager, Leap (Loveurope and Partners)
Joanne‘s professional bio / interests
My career is a tale of two halves. I spent several years as a marketer working in Financial Services (Wealth/Asset Management) where I gained my CIM qualifications client-side. With a penchant for design I made a career move to agency-side where I have worked in brand/advertising, 3D packaging and brand equity - now creative and production services at LEAP. Having sat on both sides of the desk I'm interested in how marketing drives change for businesses and consumers, and how synergised relationships between client and agency can really achieve this.
I’d like help with…
I'm interested in getting under the skin of what really matters to marketers so would love to be part of the conversation. I am also looking to build my network so connecting with lots of like-minded innovative thinkers!
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I'm Co-President for a Lean In London Network (a charity run by Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook) as D&I is something I am very passionate about. I also volunteer for South London Cares, a charity that aims to connect local elderly people with younger people in the community - combating loneliness. My last name is Spanish meaning 'to be deserved', but I'm actually Filipino (not that unusual for anyone who knows that this is quite common amongst Filipinos 'fun fact' Philippines is named such after King Philip of Spain!).
I live in
A career highlight
Not yet provided
Joined Guild
04 May, 2021