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Azheemah Awoyemi
Azheemah Awoyemi
Founder, Digital Marking & Software Dev, SheNurtures Network
Azheemah‘s professional bio / interests
As a leader and CEO of She Nurtures, my passion lies in fostering a dynamic and inclusive STEM sector where women's achievements and contributions take centre stage. My journey includes experience in software development, customer service, healthcare, event planning, and a proven track record in entrepreneurship, where I’ve orchestrated events with over 2,000 attendees and cultivated partnerships with esteemed organisations. At the core of my professional ethos is the belief that collective wisdom and collaboration creates innovation and growth. This belief is the foundation of She Nurtures Network, my most cherished initiative, which is dedicated to cultivating a supportive community for women in STEM. Our network offers a suite of STEM events, mentorship, and resources, all tailored to enhance the skills, careers, and leadership potential of women. I am committed to extending this network's reach, nurturing connections, and exploring synergies that drive mutually beneficial endeavours. Let's unite to shape a STEM sector reimagined, where women thrive in their careers and lead with confidence. Don’t be shy, let’s connect to explore mutual success.
I’d like help with…
I'm interested in joining groups related to The tech industry, property, creative community. Please let me know if you have any recommendations! Build Your Personal Network: I'm looking to connect with professionals in the corporate world. Feel free to add me to your network or send me a connection request. I'm also looking to take on clients in Digital marketing, so if there are any recommendations on how I can go about this, please feel free to reach out!
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I love art! Many expect me to just be all about tech, but I love painting, sewing, knitting, and photography.
I live in
A career highlight
Launching an organisation catered to women in STEM. (SheNurtures Network) !
Joined Guild
06 August, 2023