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Janine Hogan
Janine Hogan
Director of External Affairs, The British Society for Heart Failure
Janine‘s professional bio / interests
I am an award-winning communications professional with over 25 years of experience (+ 7 years spent at director level within consultancies) creating and delivering innovative, impactful strategic communications programmes that focus on improving outcomes for patients. I have expertise in External Affairs programming centred on purpose-driven, relevant and targeted communication for stakeholder engagement. I have won awards for media relations and ‘call to action’ campaigning in support of business strategies. I am a Board level adviser with extensive experience of issue management, Government Relations, Policy, Public Affairs and internal communications using various media (digital and social). I am experienced at patient engagement and advocacy (UK, Europe and Southern Africa) and building health education organisations and coalitions. I am also passionate about empowerment and development of my staff. I am a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) Health Group Committee, Joint Lead of the CIPR Mental Health and Well-being Group Committee and a member of The National Brain Appeal’s Brain Cell Network.
I’d like help with…
understanding the world of freelancers
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
Straight out of university I was part of an expedition pioneering underwater photogrammetry to save the coral reefs in the Gulf of Eilat, Israel
I live in
A career highlight
Supporting Archbishop Desmond Tutu in an awareness campaign for Parkinson's disease in Africa
Joined Guild
25 July, 2020