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Navin Vithana
Navin Vithana
Senior Business Development Lead, Polis Analysis
Navin‘s professional bio / interests
Hello! I'm Navin and I am entering my third year of studying Geography at LSE. At Polis Analysis, we use our extensive contacts in the UK Houses of Parliament to collaborate with SMEs on navigating and influencing industry policy. I would love to connect with anyone looking for discussions and advice on their industry's regulatory barriers!
I’d like help with…
Building my network and finding startups and SMEs that could benefit from bespoke political advocacy.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I have been invited to a sauna session in the Finnish Embassy, in London.
I live in
A career highlight
Being invited to speak at a UN conference on Human Rights, in August.
Joined Guild
04 September, 2023