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John Nawn
John Nawn
Co-Founder / Chief Strategist, The Event Strategy Network
John‘s professional bio / interests
The Event Strategy Network is a diverse group of trusted advisors dedicated to unleashing the full business potential of your event. As trusted advisors, we focus on building a long-term relationship with you, not our own short-term gain. This means putting your needs first by taking a genuine interest in you, your business, and your event. As one client put it, “We want to know what keeps you up at night.” We are not looking for clients, we are looking for partners and collaborators. We combine extensive industry knowledge and business acumen with candid, unbiased advice designed to transform your event and significantly impact your business.
I’d like help with…
Designing community-based or community-supporting events
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
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A career highlight
I'm an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist by training. That's a mouthful but basically means I'm an authority on how to improve individual and organizational performance. Began my career as a learning professional (additional degree in instructional design). Served as VP of Education for PCMA. Developed interest in experience design (conducted the only empirical research on the subject, sponsored by MPI). Wrote book on producing successful digital and hybrid events. Pivoted to developing event strategy and aligning event and business strategies (most event professionals use their event plans as a substitute for a strategy but these are not the same). And now focused on events as community-building opportunities.
Joined Guild
05 September, 2023