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Robin Crumby
Robin Crumby
Co-founder/investor/adviser, Kademy Group
Robin‘s professional bio / interests
Co-founder/investor/non-exec/advisor working with B2B subscription businesses, data/analytics and professional events organisers. Prior to starting Kademy I was the co-founder of Melcrum, a research and advisory business, working with Communication Directors at F500 organisations. Melcrum was sold to CEB, now Gartner, in late 2015. Subsequently Board advisor to Chemical Watch from 2016 until its successful sale to Enhesa in December 2020.
I’d like help with…
Finding other growth B2B membership-based businesses looking for investment.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I also write post-apocalyptic fiction and am the author of 'The Hurst Chronicles' book series set on the Isle of Wight and New Forest in the aftermath of a fictional pandemic! (Imagine my surprise when COVID-19 happened!)
I live in
A career highlight
Scaled Melcrum from kitchen-table start-up to selling business to CEB, now Gartner.
Joined Guild
12 November, 2018