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Caitlin Clark
Caitlin Clark
Student, Newcastle University
Caitlin‘s professional bio / interests
A current undergraduate student studying English Literature with Creative Writing BA (Hons) at Newcastle University. Interested in publishing, marketing and creating creative content to support businesses in affiliation with charities.
I’d like help with…
Finding work experiance in the year 2024/2025. I am hoping to undertake a placement year and am seeking possible employment in marketing, publishing and content creation.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I have performed on the West End in a performance of Billy Elliot.
I live in
A career highlight
I worked alongside Wiltshire Council and PH Sports to recruit a team to deliver Wiltshire FUEL Camps for 4-16-year-olds who receive free school meals, refugees, children in the care system or those referred through professional services. This was a fantastic experience that required and strengthened my marketing, organisational and communicative skills while providing a deep understanding of the qualities needed to support and empower children of disadvantaged backgrounds. I attended and oversaw the start of the programme which was incredibly satisfying to see all my hard work in action and positively impacting children.
Joined Guild
12 September, 2023