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Sam Lester
Sam Lester
Business Development Manager, Bourne Group
Sam‘s professional bio / interests
Been working within the construction industry for 10 years, starting off an as an apprentice. I want to support women in the construction industry and help younger generations, showcasing that women can have successful careers in the industry. The culture is moving in the right direction but still has a long way to go!
I’d like help with…
Male Allyship - It would be great to understand how to promote WIC values to male colleagues. How to keep WIC engagement momentum up throughout the business.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I'm a huge animal lover, owning 3 beautiful horses (who make sure I'm tired 24/7) and 2 lovely cats. I would love to open an animal sanctuary in my later years in life.
I live in
A career highlight
Working on London Bridge station over the 5 year redevelopment and being present when Prince William opened the station.
Joined Guild
07 December, 2023