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Madalina Grigorie
Madalina Grigorie
Director, OMG Partners
Madalina‘s professional bio / interests
Madalina is a seasoned accredited public relations professional and a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) and the Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA). She has 11+ years of experience working with clients in FMCG, technology, fintech and non-profit. Madalina is a skilled communications professional offering media strategy and management services, public relations counselling and company narrative-building services. On the content creation side, Madalina has a wealth of experience in ghostwriting, creating op-eds, white papers, blog content and case studies. Madalina enjoys crafting narratives and bringing stories to life using traditional and non-traditional channels and integrated communications strategies, including influencer marketing, stakeholder engagement and social media amplification. Having also developed digital marketing, internal and corporate communications skills over the years, she takes a strategic approach to public relations and storytelling while building strong relations with key clients and executives.
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Madalina is a Tech London Advocate, and she is passionate about supporting diversity in STEM.
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Joined Guild
07 September, 2020