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Chris Morris
Chris Morris
Digital Lead, Christian Aid
Chris‘s professional bio / interests
A senior digital leader and consultant with expertise in running marketing, digital and social programmes. I have a wealth of experience in fusing knowledge and experience from in house and contract/freelance roles in the public sector and NGO’s with best practice from working commercially for agencies where I have worked with clients from across the public, charity and private sectors.
I’d like help with…
Being inspired by the cream of digital talent to help me do my job better.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I like to do a spot of DJing in my spare time. 🎧
I live in
A career highlight
Enabled sustainable digital fundraising for Christian Aid Recently rolled out remedial digital activity through COVID-19 period shifting to use of a brand new digital envelope and virtual fundraising with over £1m digital income realised. Grew digital income yoy from £1.2m in 2019 by over 200% through 2020. Quite proud of that! Also managed UK govts first ever Facebook page! I'm still trying to to find a way to combine sport or music with my career at some point!
Joined Guild
08 September, 2020