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Holly Barnfield
Holly Barnfield
Polarised Neutrons Sandwich student, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
Holly‘s professional bio / interests
I am currently doing a research placement with ISIS Neutron and Muon Source at Harwell campus in Oxfordshire. This involves being part of the Polarised neutrons group, researching into Helium-3 Spin filter cell surface characterisation.
I’d like help with…
I would like to get more opportunities to network and expand my experiences before I leave for University.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I love surfing and the sea! Can always catch me having a dip in the winter or cruising on the waves in the summer
I live in
A career highlight
Getting an offer to do a placement year at Harwell science Campus.
Not yet provided
Joined Guild
07 February, 2024