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Liz Macartney
Liz Macartney
Operations Director, The ATE Trust
Liz‘s professional bio / interests
Ops D for a nutty charitable trust that seeks to deliver exceptional development opportunities for children and young adults beyond the confines of the classroom; summer camp experiences, well-being and community building, leadership and coaching for young adults, partnerships and CPD within schools and beyond. My contribution to happy childhoods and empowered young adults: Community builder | play expert | training lead and coach | adventure advocate | childhood and education enthusiast
I’d like help with…
I've honestly never felt able to prioritise being in these sorts of spaces and being able to be part of these conversations (which is SO stupid). Keen to learn and share about how others are navigating the sector at the moment, and feel some solidarity in shared concerns and celebrate some successes.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I've never eaten cucumber.
I live in
A career highlight
Still being here! My organisation was 60 this year (I am not), and I've steered the ship for the last 18 years.
Joined Guild
07 March, 2024