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Isaac Sackey Amanor
Isaac Sackey Amanor
Student, University of the West of Scotland
Isaac Sackey‘s professional bio / interests
Isaac Sackey Amanor is a seasoned professional in the field of procurement and supply chain management, with a wealth of experience spanning over 16 years. Holding the prestigious designation of a Member of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply Chain Management (CIPS) from the UK, Isaac has demonstrated his commitment to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and excellence in his field. Isaac's educational background includes a Master's degree in Procurement and Supply Chain Management from the esteemed Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Ghana. This academic foundation has equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, strategies, and best practices essential for effective procurement and supply chain management. Throughout his career, Isaac has excelled in various roles encompassing procurement, inventory management, and facilities management. His extensive experience has provided him with a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in optimizing procurement processes, managing inventory efficiently, and ensuring the smooth operation of facilities to support organizational objectives. Currently, Isaac is furthering his expertise by pursuing studies in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at the University of the West of Scotland. This commitment to continuous learning reflects Isaac's dedication to staying abreast of the latest industry trends, technologies, and methodologies to enhance his professional capabilities and drive innovation in his field. With a solid foundation of academic qualifications, professional certifications, and hands-on experience, Isaac Sackey Amanor is poised to continue making significant contributions to the field of procurement and supply chain management. His passion for excellence, coupled with his relentless pursuit of knowledge, positions him as a trusted leader and strategic asset in any organization he serves
I’d like help with…
Solving Supply Chain Issues.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
Football, Politics, and Supply Chain Issues
I live in
A career highlight
Leading Cost Management Drives in Opportunity International, saving the organization millions of Ghana Cedis.
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Joined Guild
30 April, 2024