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Blaise Grimes-Viort
Blaise Grimes-Viort
Social Media & Online Communities Consultant, Is The Answer
Blaise‘s professional bio / interests
With two decades of experience in the trenches, leadership roles and board-level positions as CINO/CSO/CCO, I've consulted and engineered global social media and online community solutions for clients in most industry sectors, from startups to bluechip. I've led full service teams across the functional spectrum and specialise in people-focussed programs, along with the ability to oversee hybrid and fully remote productive teams.
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An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
As well as online communities, I lead a number of offline communities as Chair of the Haringey Board Game Club, Co-Chair of my local school PTA, and am involved in local community groups for Healthier Streets and Food accessibility.
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Joined Guild
27 October, 2020