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Barry Flaherty
Barry Flaherty
Head of Strategic Alliances EMEA, Jitterbit
Barry‘s professional bio / interests
Software Integration Evangelist | Firestarter 🔥| Sales + Empathy = Success Did you know 70% of digital transformations fail? That’s because digital transformation requires cultural transformation - and as many businesses find out, culture is far harder to update than software. Unless you understand the culture of an organisation, what makes it tick, you’ll never unlock its power to transform. In many businesses, getting an integrated view of the customer is dependent on a specialist within the company. But that specialist is always a bottleneck. They have other projects, other priorities that always push the need to Know Your Customer further down the agenda. It’s never on the critical path. So the biggest transformation I sell is putting that 360 degree view of the customer where it belongs - right at the centre of the business. A bit like that guy from Jamiroquai, I’ve worn many hats throughout my career. Leading sales is an interesting one because people generally have two big misconceptions about what it takes. Firstly, they think it’s robotic and about relentlessly delivering the pitch but actually, it’s the opposite. An effective sales process is about really *listening* to the client and then creative problem solving with them. And secondly, people assume being in sales means you are driven solely by the dollar. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt in my career, it’s that empathy - wanting to understand your customer’s pain points and how people work together as a team - is at the heart of every great deal, not the green stuff. Every good thing starts with a conversation, so let’s firestart your business - just drop me a DM or email barry dot flaherty at jitterbit dot com.
I’d like help with…
Growing networks and communities Enterprise integration and API management Sales strategy and Pipeline Technology and SaaS
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
Passionate about electronic dance music
I live in
A career highlight
Top global ACV contributor 2015-2020 at Jitterbit and winning Whale Award Participating in numerous corporate charity events with Salesforce and raising money for many charities over the years and seeing the impact of that. Powerboating Level 2 RYA qualification and Catamaran sailing license in the Maldives Creating a documentary on the Amsterdam Dance Event in 2005
Joined Guild
02 November, 2020