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Kirstie Sutherland
Kirstie Sutherland
Head of Content, Agency Hackers
Kirstie‘s professional bio / interests
I look after the Agency Hackers schedule and manage our other writer, Sophie. If you've got an idea for a session with us, get in touch with me! I interview speakers ahead of events in order to write up a blurb for the website to give people an insight into what they can expect - basically, I love a good chat.
I’d like help with…
Event ideas. Tell me what you want to hear more about and/or what you could share with our audience - and why it’s relevant!
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I lived in Spain for a year and can speak Spanish (though not as well as I used to!)
I live in
A career highlight
My promotion to Head of Content!
Joined Guild
19 November, 2020