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Natallia Zaremba
Natallia Zaremba
Founder, Zaremba Consulting
Natallia‘s professional bio / interests
Economics and Linguistics degrees, a long career in the Events and Hospitality industry with a focus on Sales and Marketing, I now specialise in Digital Marketing, being an expert in visual communication on Social Media and ambassador of sustainable destination projects. My never-ending intellectual curiosity led me to speak several languages and integrate into diverse cultures. As a result, my colleagues call me a cultural chameleon. I also make decent photography and visual content, including literacy in social media.
I’d like help with…
Strategy Execution┃Content Marketing ☕︎ Hospitality & Event┃Community Building dialogues and experience sharing
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I advocate for a sustainable lifestyle and less is more everyday life. One of my latest passion is tartufaia or truffle hunting with my truffle dog. He is also my simple-life-attitude private couch.
I live in
A career highlight
Not yet provided
LinkedIn: Visual & Content on Instagram: The Fabric of Clouds, Marketing Freelancer Community with a focus on sustainability:
Joined Guild
02 December, 2020