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Birke Bogale
Birke Bogale
Hospital dentist| Assistant professor of Dental Public Health, St Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical College (SPHMMC)
Birke‘s professional bio / interests
A dentist with further qualification of dental public health, and a doctoral fellow: expertise in oral/ dental health clinical, academic and research, and leadership practice. Currently affiliated with SPHMMC and King's College London (KCL).
I’d like help with…
Research - particulary oral health, Essays (for academic and scholarship purpose), and something related
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I make fun of almost everything and you may have to laugh more than you need to, or pissed - I can't help it. Usually, you see me laughing or smiling; but don't be fooled, I have a big 'other' side too.
I live in
A career highlight
Yet to be told
Joined Guild
27 December, 2020