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Carolina Barnes
Carolina Barnes
Community specialist, Jisc
Carolina‘s professional bio / interests
My career took a change when going through a redundancy in 2020, but I landed in an awesome role supporting communities at Jisc as the community engagement apprentice. Since then, I've completed my apprenticeship and now support our community activity, finding ways to support my peers and grow our reach. Previous to this, I have experience in roles that support facility, procurement and finance and have worked freelance as a transcriber and proofreader. I've been a mental health first aider since 2018 which has become a big focus in my personal and work life as I help find ways to better support staff wellbeing. I'm also a volunteer for the mental health charity Shout, who provide a 24/7 text support service.
I’d like help with…
Connecting with other community leaders. Sharing experiences and learnings on creative ways to engage with communities. Understanding community strategy so I can transfer this to my studies.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
Crochet and roller skate addict. If I'm not crocheting you'll find me roller skating somewhere around the south west.
I live in
A career highlight
Public speaking on mental health topics
Links - personal blog focused on crafting and mental health
Joined Guild
19 January, 2021