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Alex Abbott
Alex Abbott
Founder, Supero
Alex‘s professional bio / interests
I founded Supero, a B2B sales consulting firm, helping our clients by providing training and coaching on social interaction & influence, create and apply value to the buyer motion to position and quantify differentiating value, to improve pipeline, close rates and AOV. My two eldest Sons learning the trade by my side, together we challenge ourselves to deliver training and services that empower our clients to deliver previously unachievable business performance. We also believe in a smile and having fun at the same time. I’m a proud Father to three boys, young men, one doing his GCSE’s and the other two about to step onto the housing ladder, which is no easy achievement for two twenty something year olds these days. For my sins, have six wonderful (and often very noisy) Miniature Dachshunds, and when they’re not going crazy at the Amazon delivery driver, will be found playing with our beautiful Granddaughter or cuddling up with their humans. I love travelling and hope to do more of it in the coming years!
I’d like help with…
Connecting with like-minded sales and marketing professionals seeking to improve our industry.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I used to race dirt bikes in the desert in Dubai (one of the old gits in the clubman category :-)). I breed Miniature Dachshunds and have 6 of the little beauties x
I live in
A career highlight
Growing a SaaS business from zero to $22M in 4 years. Launched a new business with my two eldest Sons, Supero, a B2B Sales consulting firm focused on modern sales techniques.
Joined Guild
22 February, 2021