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Scott Braybrook
Scott Braybrook
Owner, Sled Consulting Ltd
Scott‘s professional bio / interests
Highly experienced CFO (FCCA) with over 30 years’ experience in multiple financial services businesses, specialising in Invoice Finance. C-suite experience includes raising funds for expansion and funding lines for funders, designing and implementing business growth plans, developing and managing long-term relationships with bankers, auditors, HMRC and other external parties. Also built and developed systems and teams from scratch, developing platforms and talent for the future. Senior level roles held in SMEs and blue-chip organisations. Former role as a senior analyst for a major credit card company, and experience in large team management. Experience in ABL, Banking, Invoice Finance, Manufacturing, Retail, Saas and Tech growth businesses
I’d like help with…
Funding, NED, suggestions on working capital solutions
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I used to trampoline to a decent level.
I live in
A career highlight
Creating STBs commercial lending business from scratch.
Joined Guild
03 March, 2021