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Owen Davidson Knight
Owen Davidson Knight
Founder & CEO, The Value Loop
Owen‘s professional bio / interests
Founder of The Value Loop™ | Entrepreneur | Investor | Networker | Founder & Managing Partner Peaberry Capital | Good Food Nation Ambassador | Member GreenGrow Club Steering Group
I’d like help with…
I'm seeking Joint Venture Partners with whom I can collaborate to find and create Deals, find counterparties, and build pathways for entrepreneurs to become better at creating value. DM me.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
They say 'Your Network is Your Net Worth' - We say 'Until you are in The Value Loop you are absolutely miles away from properly monetising your network' - OK, theirs sounds snappier than ours, but the truth is we've come up with a brilliant way to monetise your network, and we'd love to share it with you
I live in
A career highlight
The penny dropped when I realised it can often be way quicker and better to grow a business through acquisition than through client acquisition. From then on, a few Deals and a couple of exits later, I found myself having more and more conversations with experienced entrepreneurs and investors about the abundance of opportunity you can see out there when you're attuned to it, and / or you've got enough bandwidth. Way more than anyone can deal with themselves. So what do we do when we see / identify these opportunities which we won't / can't take on? We pass them on to people we know, like, and trust. We share Deals. Well, that's what we're systemising in The Value Loop; creating a mechanism for the right Deals to find the right counterparties, creating value more quickly, and making sure everyone who helps the two sides come together gets paid when the Deal gets done.
Joined Guild
24 March, 2021