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Zarja Cibej
Zarja Cibej
CEO, myTamarin
Zarja‘s professional bio / interests
I'm a champion for working parents, and diversity & inclusion at work. At myTamarin, we're building the best possible childcare infrastructure so that every parent can work and have a career if they choose to. We also offer our service as an employee benefit to progressive employers.
I’d like help with…
I'd like to get introduced to companies (and their people, D&I, and HR directors), where we can help with childcare as an employee benefit. We offer back up / emergency childcare, permanent childcare, and virtual / video support for parents.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I was a competitive alpine skier, and won multiple championships when I was younger. I spent most of my childhood in the mountains, rather than classrooms. It was a great, and very formative experience.
I live in
A career highlight
I've built myTamarin into a much loved brand. But we still have so much work left!
Joined Guild
01 April, 2021