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Rupert Evill
Rupert Evill
Founder, Ethics Insight
Rupert‘s professional bio / interests
I've spent most of the past 20 years doing investigations, risk assessments, crisis response, and ethics & compliance advisory support. I find the people side of risk fascinating (why we do what we do), which led me to further studies in behavioural analysis. I now use this training and frontline experience – having seen what works and what doesn’t – to inform practical and effective support to help people better predict, prevent, adapt and respond to risks. I have worked in over 50 countries, having lived in Asia for 11 years and in Europe for a decade.
I’d like help with…
Anyone who wants my help! I am mentoring a few people choosing careers in risk, security, and compliance. I'm also very interested in helping impact-focused start-ups manage all those risk and compliance questions you'll get from investors.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
Before starting my career in counter-terrorism, I was planning on becoming an actor (a little bit of a 180, that one!).
I live in
A career highlight
Founding my own business, Ethics Insight.
LinkedIn: My business:
Joined Guild
29 April, 2021