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Ravi Chand
Ravi Chand
Director, Civil Service People and Places Directorate, Cabinet Office Civil Service
Ravi‘s professional bio / interests
Ravi Chand is the Director for Civil Service People and Places Directorate in the Cabinet Office, UK Civil Service, where he leads the government's Places for Growth Portfolio and The Plan for London. Previously, Ravi was the Chief People Officer at the Department for International Development (DFID), holding responsibility for people, operations, IT and systems, estates and change. He was also the HR Director at HM Revenue and Customs with responsibility for workforce management of its 69,000 staff. He led the work on reforming the workforce to deliver the department’s blueprint ambitions for the future. He also worked as the director responsible for capability, talent and diversity at the Home Office, Managing Consultant in a FTSE 100 company and as a serving Police Officer with Bedfordshire Police. He was the first elected President of the NBPA UK. He was awarded a CBE in 2011 and QPM in 2002 for distinguished service. Ravi is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
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10 May, 2021