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Ciprian Arhire
Ciprian Arhire
Future of HR | eX and HR Senior Consultant / Founder and Chair for Senior People Professionals Network, Capgemini Invent / CIPD London
Ciprian‘s professional bio / interests
Ciprian has been working in HR and business operations for over a decade driving organisational change and transformation across both the private and third sector. Currently, he’s working as a Senior Consultant on the Future of HR, Employee Experience and HR transformation at Capgemini Invent supporting organisations undertaking complex programmes to improve people experiences and drive good HR practice across multiple sectors. In his spare time, he’s founded and currently running a network for Senior Practitioners and Fellows and one for Senior OD professionals for CIPD London, tapping on his extensive experience and exposure to the fields of HR, L&D, OD and D&I. Prior to Capgemini invent, Ciprian was working for the CIPD where he led the regional engagement strategy for CIPD London region as well as a complex portfolio of programmes, projects and interventions focused on organisational and digital transformation and change, inclusion, diversity, best practice in the profession and the flagship CIPD mentoring programme. Ciprian holds a Masters in Human Resource Development and Consultancy, he is a Chartered Member of the CIPD, a PRINCE2 accredited project manager and often speaks on events, conferences and panels about the importance of human-centric organisational cultures, driving people strategies for the future and harnessing the full human potential by leveraging inclusion and belonging.
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careers, future of HR
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LGBTQI+ Advocate
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Joined Guild
23 May, 2021