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We regret to inform you that Guild will be permanently closing down on October 1st, 2024. This decision was not made lightly, and we deeply appreciate your support and use of our service. We understand you may have questions. Please contact us if you need any support.
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Marjorie Anderson
Marjorie Anderson
Founder, Community by Association, LLC
Marjorie‘s professional bio / interests
Marjorie Anderson is an experienced community management professional with expertise in building a large global community for associations, and plays a leading role in developing Digital Communities at Project Management Institute. She is the Founder of Community by Association, L.L.C., an organization that dually supports community management practitioners in associations and nonprofits and that provides information and resources to these organizations enabling them to build a solid foundation for their community programs. She is skilled at developing cohesive community strategies that connect to organizational goals and consider the full user experience across an organization's digital ecosystem. Marjorie has successfully led efforts to obtain buy-in across the business to highlight the value of the online community program, enabling the creation of holistic programs that connect community members to each other and the products/services within the organization. She also has experience transforming and revitalizing existing community programs to meet the needs of members and the business.
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I love the work of Frida Kahlo and Jean Michel Basquiat and am fan of horror movies!
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Joined Guild
02 August, 2021