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Matt Phillips
Matt Phillips
Founder & CEO, PPR
Matt‘s professional bio / interests
Matt Phillips is the founder of PPR, a pay as you go PR service for startups. He founded the company after 15 years in tech PR (working with brands such as BBC, Universal Music, TransferWise, Mirror Group and dozens of startups) to solve the problem of high ‘sunk cost’ agency retainer fees that put quality PR out of reach for most startups. PPR’s aim is to set a standard for startup PR, and use technology to empower blended flexible freelance & full-time staff teams to collaborate and deliver a cost-effective results-based ‘Oyster for PR’ service.
I’d like help with…
All things PR; startups who may want to buy it, practitioners who may want to work with us!
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I’m a keen amateur actor. Since starting I 2013 I’ve been in eight productions, most recently as Mercutio in Romeo & Juliet. I also love snowboarding, blues rock/ metal and funk & soul music. I’ve been on TV dozens of times as a music industry spokesperson, live with my wife & 2 kids next to a graveyard and have a cat called Basil.
I live in
A career highlight
Probably being interrogated by Jon Snow on CD pricing on Channel4 news. And every day we deliver great coverage for a client.
Joined Guild
05 August, 2021