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Sean Sergent
Sean Sergent
Director and Principal Technology Lead, Supremacy Associates Limited & BAI Communications
Sean‘s professional bio / interests
New Telecommunication Technologies Cellular 5G Global Deployments - Internet of Things (IoT) Geospatial Track & Trace Management - Renewable Power Generation (Hydrogen Fuel Cells - Solar - Wind - Hybrid - Small Scale Hydro Techniques and New Battery Solutions). Repurposing of end of life materials, biomass products and waste water recovery techniques. Energy Conservation and applied energy recovery services. Classic vehicle restorations (cars - steam locomotives, small boats)
I’d like help with…
I am really well thought of as a mentor and will generally assist where and when I can
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I have several engineering and management qualifications and have a broad range of engineering skills and regraded as a Polymath "go to person" - career has extensive and diverse experiences, covering the following topics: * Electrical, Mechanical and Electronic Engineering * 5G > 6G Cellular Transmission and Systems Management * Computer & Automation Specialist * Renewable and Material Recovery Science - Waste Management * I have restored several classic cars - Aston Martins - Land Rovers - a Bentley TurboR - presently restoring a 1981 Series 3 Split Screen Land Rover * Excellent NED Skills and NED since 1982 - Ned Training through In Touch Networks * Twice Engineering Apprentice of the Year
I live in
A career highlight
I saved a cruise liner from an engine room fire, with only about 10 minutes from the abandon ship order being placed during a European Cruise.
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Joined Guild
16 August, 2021