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Michael Boevink
Michael Boevink
Founder, Boevink Group
Michael‘s professional bio / interests
Are you Looking to GROW your Business and SCALE UP fast? My aim is to grow Fintech companies to be Nr 1 in the market by providing cross border sales, Strategic advice, Knowledge and a Global network. If this is what your ambition is… further WHO I WORK WITH: I partner with CEO’s and entrepreneurs who have the ambition to be a global leader in their industry WHY IT WORKS: When you partner with Scale4you you join a team of global experts who help you to efficiently and effectively get you to the next level in your growth path. The team has a wealth of experience, network and trackrecord WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT: To succeed in business life, you need purpose, passion, perseverance and patience. We can ‘brag’ about our skills, track record, good and bad times, but what differentiates us from the crowd is that we really care about your success and go for it all the way! WHAT OTHERS SAY: Best Client quote: Michael Helps me through my dark days in our journey to success, never gives up and get's results HOW IT WORKS: We first meet to discuss your needs, where are your pain points as well as if there is an image match. We have to like each other, it is an intensive journey! READY TO TALK? Reach out to me directly here on LinkedIn, email me at [email protected] or visit us online at or call me direct at 0044 20 360 4 101. Michael Boevink has more than 15 years management experience in new media, telecom and the banking industry. Mr. Boevink specialises in developing and implementing innovative marketing management projects and is a pragmatic generalist in implementing marketing strategies, business development and scaling organizations for growth in global markets. He holds an MBA from the University of Bradford.
I’d like help with…
Mainly focused on supporting with scaling companies, any scale up advice in any form I can support
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
Next to the entrepreneurial focus, we are working on a world wide charity focused on kids. Maria Foundation, named after our mother has a focus on education, health, development and prosperity for children around the world.
I live in
A career highlight
Becoming a father of 2 daughters
Joined Guild
27 August, 2021