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Laura West
Laura West
Director of Membership and Marketing, Agency Hackersl
Laura‘s professional bio / interests
I’m all about gaining new members and providing current members the best content and value for their membership. I answer to Ian on paper. I’m reality I answer only to my toddler. Who is a terrorist.
I’d like help with…
Letting other fab agency owners know about Agency Hackers and our awesome community. Also understanding Mac shortcuts.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I dated Hunter from Gladiators, when he was Hunter from Gladiators.
I live in
A career highlight
Meeting 50 Cent when I headed up the PR efforts for the launch 50 Cent: Bulletproof in 2005. Or Keith Chegwin when we launched Cheggers Party Quiz in 2007. Tough one.
Joined Guild
28 September, 2021