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Kristen Bernier
Kristen Bernier
Owner/Strategy Guide, Clarity Communication & Brand Strategies
Kristen‘s professional bio / interests
I am a passionate communications nerd with over 20 years of experience as a team leader in varied D2C and B2B environments— from outdoor recreation to healthcare. This diverse background lends me a broad view of techniques and strategies, and a talent for finding inspiration and solutions in unexpected places. My approach and style are informed by Polyvagal Theory— the cutting edge of cultural change through neuroscience, combined with a keen insight into how we as humans send and receive messages. My guiding principles of brand development and communications are to “decide who you are and then be that on purpose”, and to “meet people where they are at”. These sound simple but they are not— they are the foundation of clear, consistent, and successful brand strategies. What, how, where, when, and to whom you choose to communicate is equal, if not more essential, to a brand than its logo or trade dress. I’ve received multiple awards for my work in developing content strategies and for an extended campaign to communicate a major organizational change to internal and external stakeholders for a large regional medical center and its satellite locations. Throughout my year career and continued education in marketing, I’ve had the opportunity to work with incredibly smart people in complex environments, expanding my knowledge and honing my skills. I am also a certified PIO (Public Information Officer) by the Emergency Management Institute through FEMA. Motivated by the ACEs and trauma-informed movements, I resigned from my position as the senior marketing executive of a regional medical center as the Director of Marketing, Communications, and Media Relations, to focus on expanding my knowledge of trauma-informed systems and supporting organizations engaged in the important work of cultural change. In 2019, I established Clarity Communication & Brand Strategies, dedicated to supporting businesses, organizations, and movements committed to putting more good into the world through practices and policies that support felt safety as described in Polyvagal Theory, social responsibility, and stewardship.
I’d like help with…
My goal is help build communication strategies that apply understandings of the psychological elements of communication for heightened engagement; develop tactics and strategies that support employee and client stress points and advance organization goals; and, create consistent, authentic language and multichannel communication strategies that build relationships.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I'm a sci-fi and fantasy geek since childhood— way before it was cool. As the mother of two boys, I've forgotten more about the worlds of Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the Marvel Universe and DC Comics than most people will ever know. I have a profound love of the outdoors and adventure with years of experience in rock and ice climbing and mountaineering. I live in the Monadnock Region of New Hampshire, where work hard, play hard is a way of life. And sometimes, playing not-so hard, surfing streaming apps for something to fill the void left by Game of Thrones.
I live in
A career highlight
A most recently highlight is having been hired to provide consultation to school leaders in another state facing a community divided on Covid-19 protocols and mitigation strategies. I co-facilitated discovery and strategy meetings with the school leadership team, which ultimately lead leadership to the realization that they needed to alter their course. After providing technical assistance in crafting communication to school community regarding the change, what was originally anticipated to be a contentious community meeting, resulted in a positive, community building event.
Joined Guild
19 October, 2021