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Prabodh Mistry
Prabodh Mistry
Director / Energy & Environment Consultant, Economic & Human Value Engineering Ltd
Prabodh‘s professional bio / interests
I am a Biochemical Engineer and have been a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, with over 35 years’ experience in R&D led work in food processing, waste management, energy and environmental consultancy. I have given evidence to the UK Government's committee on Science & Technology and have undertaken many overseas assignments related to cleaner production, waste management and environmental management in Europe, China, India and other parts of Asia. I am currently assessing and monitoring RD&C projects on behalf of Innovate UK and so familiar with designing, proposal writing and managing multi-disciplinary projects.
I’d like help with…
Education projects that involve values, ethics and the environment.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I have always been interested in values and ethics and am spending a great deal of time expressing them in a way that could be used rationally in self exploration. I am also a maths tutor.
I live in
A career highlight
In my second year of work at Harwell Atomic Energy Research Laboratory, I discovered a prime cause of inefficiency in Liquid-Liquid extraction systems applied in nuclear fuel reprocessing. The discovery was made by chance when I saw a time lapsed characteristics of the misting in solution that was recorded on a laser particle sizer, automatically, as I had forgotten to switch it off during the lunch break!
Joined Guild
17 January, 2022