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David Shoesmith
David Shoesmith
Owner, Rhino Surfaces
David‘s professional bio / interests
Own and operate a groundworks company, which couldn't be more different than wanting to be a writer! I'm unpublished. I've been working on my first Novel for 8 and have completed 11 drafts, had 2 full MS assessments, had 11 rejections since Oct last year, 2 full MS requests (one rejected because 'couldn't connect with the particular brand of story' but very complimentary of writing). Now working on second Novel whilst first is still out there trying to kick agents doors down! Shortlisted for Cheshire Novel prize 2023. No formal creative writing training, just sucking up every resource and advice I can get my hands on. I'm married, five grown-up children, a dog who thinks he owns the place, and drive a pick-up! (work related). Glass half-full type of person.
I’d like help with…
How to find an agent that would represent the particular sub genre I've written in. Or even help classifying the sub genre I've written in.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
Will be doing DIY SOS again this weekend (laying a new driveway!). I can drive a digger and most site equipment, yet I make candles when I'm bored! (not for resale)
I live in
A career highlight
Getting shortlisted for Cheshire novel prize in 2023
Twitter: @ShoesmithDave
Joined Guild
19 January, 2022