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Alan Williams
Alan Williams
Alan‘s professional bio / interests
Most of my attention and interest is drawn to the topic of bringing values to life... in practice. This has resulted in being involved with a variety of work/projects/initiatives: Global Values Alliance, World Values Day, UK Values Alliance, Global Poetry Showcase, Sawubona Certificate, co-authoring books about values, creating and using a range of tools in the Values Economy toolkit. I believe that the current mainstream education model is the equivalent of a one way country road where a teacher with the knowledge passes this on to students. But today we live in a world where knowledge is widely available and accessible, more like a super highway than a one way country road. The role of teachers therefore needs a fundamental rethink to become inspirers, exemplars, mentors, coaches and facilitators.
I’d like help with…
Global Poetry Showcase 2022 will launch in April and we would like as many communities as possible to join in The core objective is to encourage people to express themselves on the topics of values and/or community through the medium of poetry. People from all backgrounds and level of experience are welcome as are all styles and formats of poetry. This is a brilliant way for schools to position themselves as community hubs.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I have delivered project work in 32 countries around the world
I live in
A career highlight
Creation of the award-winning 31Practices approach which has helped organisations of different sizes in different sectors and geographies to bring their values to life.
Links Twitter @ourSERVICEBRAND
Joined Guild
27 January, 2022