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Treena Reilkoff
Treena Reilkoff
Trauma Informed Conflict Management & Resiliency Specialist, TLR Solutions 4 Conflict
Treena‘s professional bio / interests
Treena Reilkoff is a Trauma Informed Conflict Management & Resiliency Specialist with over 25+ years of experience in building community capacity and creating strategies for optimizing personal, professional, and operational resiliency. Her experience in mental health, behavioural analysis and social work provides a holistic lens in addressing conflict in communities and the workplace. She brings experience providing services to persons in a variety of diverse, complex and high-conflict environments. There are both tangible and intangible costs associated with unresolved conflict. Rather than conflict avoidance, Treena's lived and professional experience provides her with insight into conflict appreciation, while building our resiliency reservoir and resiliency mindset. Her lens supports diversity and cultural competence in understanding how environments directly influence persons and communities. Treena believes in the innate power of our own resiliency, to transform conflict, adversity and trauma, into a strength based asset, that can be applied individually or within organizations. Implementing a resilient framework which supports a psychological safe workplace is a proactive risk mitigation strategy.
I’d like help with…
Supporting others to find their resilient voice to flourish!
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I have live 5 out of 10 provinces in Canada, rural, urban, mountain, ocean, prairie, lake, northern communities!
I live in
A career highlight
2021 Becoming an international workshop facilitator The Trauma Informed Professional
Joined Guild
04 February, 2022