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TL Matthew
TL Matthew
CEO, SumFoods LLC
TL‘s professional bio / interests
Serial entrepreneur trying to save my life. I discovered the coursed at THSA and never looked back. Based on what I learned, I formed a food nutrition consulting practice Sair Nutritional Therapy and a manufacturing company called SumFoods. My first product is SumSweet a sweetener product that I personally used to help me beat my sugar addiction. While my primary focus is now on food manufacturing. I'm still here learning more and growing in knowledge.
I’d like help with…
Getting the word out about my food products and manufacturing. I want to support those who have consulting practices with nutritious ready-made foods that you can use to support your clients. I'd also like to interview many of you especially if you are based in the US and Canada.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I grew up wanting to be an Opera singer. I'm a coloratura mezzo soprano. My favorite place to practice was in front of a glass pane kitchen window. The goal with every practice was to make the glass dance but not break. I'd always stop just shy of the panes breaking. But, it was so much fun to make the glass dance.
I live in
A career highlight
Taking a product to market.
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Joined Guild
19 March, 2022