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Terence HeflinConnolly
Terence HeflinConnolly
VP HR/ executive coaching, Self employed
Terence‘s professional bio / interests
I am a proud council estate kid from Yorkshire that has had the fortune to live in many places in the Western Hemisphere and have had the opportunity to interact with many societies and cultures. I am a simple individual I believe everything comes from trust and relationship. If you don’t have the former you never get the latter. We don’t have all have to be best of friends but we do have to trust we are showing up honestly and with respect so we can have meaningful relationships.
I’d like help with…
The lack of true accountability in corporate companies. Big talk no actions and worst of all no accountability. Also the lack of funding/thinking to change the educational system which is designed to the less well off exactly where they are, which ensures we never see a change is society.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I have lived in 5 countries been to all 50 (51) states of America traveled extensively in the Americas, but never lost my Yorkshire Accent (I’ve been told that’s a learning difficulty and I’m ok with that ;-) )
I live in
A career highlight
Simply I have learnt so much from so many
Joined Guild
15 April, 2022