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Ian Studd
Ian Studd
Director General, British Association of Removers
Ian‘s professional bio / interests
My entire working life has been spent in the removals industry, beginning as a Porter in the 70’s and progressing though many different operational and managerial roles to my current position at the head of the national trade association for our sector
I’d like help with…
Attaining the recognisiton that our Industry deserves as one that is a professional trade
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I am a bit of a history buff, especially recent history, and plan on enrolling on a degree course when I eventually retire as this remains an unfullfilled ambition.
I live in
A career highlight
Too many really to choose just one but being elected for a 2 year term as the honorary President of our Association in 2012 is certainly 'up there'
Joined Guild
27 April, 2022