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Hiba El-mzouri
Hiba El-mzouri
unemployed, fresh graduate
Hiba‘s professional bio / interests
I am interested in British and Asian cultures, I like learning foreign languages (I can speak French, English, and Arabic, currently learning Korean). I like reading and writing web novels, and listening to Asian and classical music.
I’d like help with…
enhancing my knowledge of business strategies and operations. I'm curious about the investment sector.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I have an INFJ personality, I can extremely be conscious of details, I am ambitious and I always strive for perfection in what I do to the point of being annoyed if some result is not as perfect as I expected.
I live in
A career highlight
I haven't been yet to a workplace but I can say that during my internship I excelled in getting the tasks assigned to me done perfectly and on time. I was also a fast learner that I even learned welding just by observation, and I was praised for it.
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Joined Guild
31 May, 2022