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Julien Cary
Julien Cary
Student, University of Kent
Julien‘s professional bio / interests
I'm a master's student studying International Business and Management with a focus on non-market strategy sustainability. I'm a team player eager to learn and develop my skills and business knowledge.
I’d like help with…
I would like help demonstrating my skills and talents in the most effective way possible. I know I have what employers need, but occasionally struggle to demonstrate it.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I'm from the United States and moved to the UK for my undergraduate degree and fell in love with the culture and life I created here. I've managed to bring what I've enjoyed most from back home to the UK, such as playing American football (at the highest level) and cooking!
I live in
A career highlight
During an extremely mentally challenging month of my life, I was able to cope with a personal crisis, workload, and a job. Within the course of three weeks, I secured three 2:1 scores on separate assignments while dealing with a family crisis, successfully prosecuting two acts of misconduct towards my loved ones, while working part-time.
Joined Guild
29 June, 2022