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Oliver Dax
Oliver Dax
Online Sales Manager and Monkey’s Paw Managing Director , Monkey’s Paw Consultancy Ltd
Oliver‘s professional bio / interests
30 years in the B2B Sales arena. Online Sales Manager and Sales Trainer working with businesses who need someone to drive the sales team, hold them accountable and report in to the board when you don’t actually want to employ anyone. Working nationally and internationally. Client roster includes British Airways, Sky, Burberry, Tesco, English National Opera, Private and Danone.
I’d like help with…
So many things...
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
Northern. Shakespeare Addict. Art Lover. Theatre Lover. Music Lover. Book Lover. Animal Lover. Vegetarian. Politically Exhausted. Hater of Hate.
I live in
A career highlight
There have been a few that made me smile...
Joined Guild
18 March, 2020