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Aubrey Clerkin
Aubrey Clerkin
Digital Communications Specialist, CSL
Aubrey‘s professional bio / interests
I am a former TV News Producer now managing many of the digital communications for CSL Seqirus. I work on websites, social media, internal communications, and branding.
I’d like help with…
I'd like to learn more about Social Media strategy from a corporate and also pharma perspective. I'd like to learn more about marketing strategies that can be implemented at the ad level on websites and on social media platforms. I'd like to learn more about DE&I initiatives and communications strategies around change management.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I jumped off the top of the Stratosphere hotel in Las Vegas, NV. It is an 820-foot jump at more than 40 mph! (Yes, it was terrifying.)
I live in
A career highlight
I produced 4 hours of live television during New Year's Eve on the Las Vegas Strip. I was the producer at the helm when 6 live reporters got to their locations, the helicopter with a reporter was launched into the sky, and thousands of people looked up to watch the Las Vegas Strip become surrounded by fireworks.
Joined Guild
13 July, 2022