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James Brewer
James Brewer
Recruitment & Communications Coordinator, The Tutor Trust
James‘s professional bio / interests
Responsible for social media, brand awareness, and marketing activities for The Tutor Trust, aiming to reach new audiences and recruit more potential new tutors. Working closely with Will Simms, University Partnerships Manager, to strengthen university links and increase brand exposure amongst the university population. I studied BA (Hons) French & Spanish and MA Film Studies at The University of Manchester. I really enjoy research and learning new cultures, new perspectives, and absorbing fresh ideas. I'm a passionate cook, avid viewer of strange films, and love to travel to explore new places. Outside of Tutor Trust, I have professional experience managing relationships with corporate clients and team management in the education and aviation industries, working in the UK, France, and South Africa.
I’d like help with…
Share fresh ideas on social media, comms, advertising, marketing, and grow my professional network.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I love learning languages! I speak French, Spanish, and some basic Portuguese and Catalan.
I live in
A career highlight
Spending time in Cape Town, SA, to train new contact centre staff.
Joined Guild
15 July, 2022