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Rubel Miah
Rubel Miah
BA Business and Management Graduate, University of Leicester
Rubel‘s professional bio / interests
First Class Honours Graduate in BA Business and Management Student at the University of Leicester. I'm looking to pursue a career in the field of business and management.
I’d like help with…
I'd like help with the graduate recruitment process in terms of tips and advice to succeed in all the stages of the graduate recruitment. Also like help with applying for graduate schemes.
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
I can speak several languages such as English, Bengali, Hindi and Spanish.
I live in
A career highlight
Achieved 90 marks on my dissertation in my final year at the University of Leicester Received the award for highest overall mark from a graduating student in BA Business and Management Studies from the University of Leicester School of Business.
Joined Guild
29 July, 2022