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Stephen Harwood
Stephen Harwood
academic, University of Edinburgh
Stephen‘s professional bio / interests
Dr Stephen Harwood has held a variety of roles including that of geophysicist, writer, educator, change agent, entrepreneur and director. His experience spans the coal-oil, electronics and tourism industries. He is currently attached to the University of Edinburgh, from where he was awarded his Doctorate. Recently he founded TechnoForeSight to promote developments in the future of technology, work and education. In July, he will be moving to UCL, London. His many publications span a range of topics including technology futures, ERP implementation (book in three languages), makerspaces, and sustainability. His passion for #TechForGood, Sustainability and the handling of complex situations is grounded in his pioneering theoretical work in the domains of cybernetics and systems thinking (cybersystemics). One current project is the development of skills for handling the wicked problems associated with sustainability, drawing upon the VIPLAN Methodology.
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An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
Spent a year on a 4 foot high coal face, 7 miles out under North Sea to study rock deformation around coal faces
I live in
A career highlight
Responsible for recovering a leading geotechnical engineering business out of a near receivership situation then growing it
Links @drsharwood
Joined Guild
01 November, 2022