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Cath Dovey
Cath Dovey
Co-founder, Beacon Collaborative
Cath‘s professional bio / interests
Cath Dovey is a co-founder of the Beacon Collaborative, which works to increase giving and social investment among the UK’s wealthy population. Beacon promotes and celebrates the work of philanthropists and social investors. It also forges collaboration among organisations that work with wealthy donors through a range of activities covering peer influence, public awareness, research and measurement, professional advice and political engagement. Cath chairs Rosa, the UK fund for women and girls. She is a trustee of Philanthropy Impact and First Star UK. She is a member of the technical panel of the Law Family Commission on Civil Society. In her former life, she co-founded Scorpio Partnership, the global wealth management strategy and research firm that was acquired by AON in 2014.
I’d like help with…
Keeping giving when the going gets tough
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
Currently turning an 18th century cottage into a carbon neutral home....yikes!
I live in
A career highlight
Launching Rosa's Covid-19 emergency response fund within 14 days of the first UK lockdown (having welcomed Rosa's new CEO into her post on the day the first lockdown began...)
Joined Guild
03 November, 2022