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Kalyani Pantangi
Kalyani Pantangi
Director, Intelliace Solutions Private Limited
Kalyani‘s professional bio / interests
“Kalyani is a management professional, with over 22 years of experience in the field of People and Process Management. After working in various Corporates and MNCs, in various industries, she co-founded Intelliace Solutions, a management consulting firm that specializes in helping organizations plan, create and implement, innovative, strategic, and sustainable solutions that improve operations, bring sustainability in business and enhance business performance. She is an ardent nature and peace lover. That’s what motivates her to be involved in initiatives that help to achieve the SDG Goals at G100 and WICCI. Kalyani is the co-leader in fundraising of Community Impact Challenge (CIC), a global volunteer organisation that mobilise companies and individuals to take climate action with an ambition to achieve net zero by 2030. CIC is an official accelerator of Race to Zero an UN sponsored initiative. CIC has managed to help more than 60 organizations pledge to become carbon neutral by 2030/40/50, through SME Climate Hub. Kalyani plays a critical role at CIC in helping organizations on their sustainability journeys.”
I’d like help with…
Climate action and Gender equality
An interesting, or unusual fact(s) about me…
Ardent Nature Lover
I live in
A career highlight
Consultant for Management and Business services
Joined Guild
17 November, 2022