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Laura Montgomery
Laura Montgomery
Trustee and Grants Coordinator, Ellis Campbell Foundation
Laura‘s professional bio / interests
Laura Montgomery is Trustee and Grants Coordinator for the Foundation. She is passionate about the work of the Foundation and the strong partnerships with young changemakers and youth led organisations doing such transformational work. Laura also sits on the Philanthropists Council for the Beacon Collaborative and has recently joined the Ashoka Supporter Network to contribute to their bold new vision to build a world where Everyone is a Changemaker. She also sits as a Trustee for an unrelated Family Trust. Laura is an Executive Director of the Ellis Campbell Group and is the fifth generation of this 145 year old family owned property investment office. She was Managing Director from 2010 to September 2022. Laura is married with three young daughters and lives in London.
I’d like help with…
Improving peer networks and enabling more collaborative philanthropy; engaging in conversations around how philanthropy could and should work towards a more equal society and greater redistribution of wealth; ensuring philanthropists have access to the right learning and support to ensure their philanthropy has the greatest impact
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Joined Guild
17 November, 2022